Individualisme uten individualitet!

Individualisme og dannelse i forbrukersamfunnet.

PowerPoint av Mattias Øhra

Hva skjer når menmnesket ikke lenger er nysgjerrig på annet enn det som angår dem selv? Hvem skal ta ansvar for de som ikke er viljesterke nok til å bli alt det de kan være? Det fatale i vår tid er at vi tror at vi kun må bruke oss selv for å bli oss selv Depresjon oppstår mellom påbudet om selvrealisering og identitetshavariet i og måtte dra seg selv opp etter håret. Kan vi derfor si at depresjon ikke er en sykdom men en tilstand frembrakt av et totalitært samfunnssystem som sammenstiller egoisme med frihet og originalitet?

Hannah Arendt om utdanningskrisen

Les Hannah Arendt artikkel: The Crisis in Education fra 1961. her heter det blant anet:

“the educators here stand in relation to the young as representatives of a world for which they must assume responsibility although they themselves did not make it, and even though they may, secretly or openly,wish it were other than it is. This responsibility is not arbitrarily imposed upon educators; it is implicit in the fact that the young are introduced by adults into a continuously changing world. Anyone who refuses to assume joint responsibility for the world should not have children and must not be allowed to take part in educating them. In education this responsibility for the world takes the form of authority. The authority of the educator and the qualifications of the teacher are not the same thing. Although a measure of qualification is indispensable for authority, the highest possible qualification can never by itself beget authority. The teacher’s qualification consists in knowing the world and being able to instruct others about it, but his authority rests on his assumption of responsibility for that world”